Presenting Research Online

Through THATCamp Philly, I became interested in using Omeka as a platform for presenting my own research and gathering materials from interested readers to effectively create a user-generated digital archive. Since I work on a topic of public interest in the very recent past (my dissertation is on African American AIDS activism) I think this would probably be a good way to present my work online while producing the raw material for others to do history on the same topic. Recent examples of this approach that I’ve seen include the Bracero History Archive and Matthew Frye Jacobson’s Historian’s Eye. Perhaps we could talk about the pleasures and perils of merging our own research with such a platform, or theoretical and methodological issues related to curating user-generated content.

Categories: Session Proposals |

About droyles

I'm a Visiting Assistant Professor of History at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. My research examines the political culture of African American AIDS activism. As part of that work, I'm conducting an oral history project ( and an Omeka site ( to help capture the voices of people who have been involved in HIV prevention in African American communities over the past three decades.

1 Response to Presenting Research Online

  1. Hi — I’d be interested in a panel that has to do with Omeka, too. I’ve been working with Omeka this semester as part of an advanced English seminar at Penn (you can see the website we’re developing at the address above). Look forward to meeting you tomorrow.


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